Health & Well-being
It is important that we teach the children about healthy lifestyles, whether we are talking about e-safety, road safety, sun safety or something different.
We teach a variety of lessons and have assemblies from visitors showing the children how they can adopt a healthier lifestyle and how they can be informed.
So how do you nurture yourself mentally? Emotionally? Physically?
Is it different if you are a child or an adult?
We have a range of professionals working in school to support the children, including two trained ELSAs - Emotional Literacy Support Assistant - (Mr Tailor and Mrs Thompson), sports coaches from Canoville Coaching and a counsellor. These people work closely with the school and give the children guidance and a listening ear.
You can also visit our Relationships, Health & Sex Education page to find out more about our curriculum.
Place 2 Be - Improving children's mental health - advice and guidance for young people.
NottAlone - Local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, all in one place.
Anna Freud - a range of resources and guidance for children and adults.
Headlice - guidance on the treatment of headlice. - a site for support and where to get it.