Useful Links
If you are a parent or carer, we hope you will find the many web links below useful.
- Request for Term Time Absence FormApplication form to inform us and request term time absence for your child
Microsoft Teams Quick Start Guide
- Nottingham City Council Online Information for Children and FamiliesInformation for children and families offering free information, advice and guidance about organisations and services for children, young people and their families living in Nottingham City , including: details of all Ofsted registered childcare providers, children's centres, family support, education including special educational needs and other specialist services.
- CEOP News and articles surrounding internet safety.
- Digital Parenting MagazineInformation to empower parents, carers and schools to help children make the right choices in the digital world.
- Think You KnowGreat advice to keep children safe whilst using the internet.
- Department for EducationArticles and advice for children and young people.
- Action for ChildrenAction for Children supports and speaks for the UK's most vulnerable and neglected children and young people.
- Resource BankUseful websites for parents
- School Gateway Where you can pay online for trips
- Log in to your School | Arbor Where you can pay online for clubs, trips, school meals
- SchoolCloud - Fernwood Primary and Nursery School Parents evening
- Renaissance - Log In ( - Accelerated Reading