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Extracurricular Activities

We try to offer as many extracurricular activities as we can each term. Before the end of each term we send out a list of clubs which are available and parents/carers have the opportunity to sign their child up. We have limited space in each club and we try to give all children an opportunity to join a club throughout the year. If your child has a place then you will receive an email. 

Below are the clubs we are currently running for Summer Term 2

Year R Athletics - S4K Coach

Year 1 Cooking Club - Mrs Dennis

Year 1 Rugby - Nottingham Rugby Club 

Year 3/4 Choir - Mrs Golledge & Mrs Broster

Year 3 Gymnastics - with S4K coaches

Year 5 Boys Cricket - Mr Maughan

Year 5/6 Girls Cricket - Mrs Meakin & Miss Hill